Our Mission
To be a community of men pursuing greater devotion to Jesus Christ together.
Proverbs 27:17
To be a community of men pursuing greater devotion to Jesus Christ together.
To live & lead like Jesus so that the people in our lives can taste & see the Lord's goodness through us.
On the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. we gather to enjoy food & fellowship in the Festival Foothills school gym. All men are welcome. Come & be inspired. You can register on The Church At Sun Valley's app.
TIM's stands for "There Is More." Experience a discipleship focused group of 5-7 men who meet bi-weekly together to challenge & encourage one another in their commitment to live with Jesus Christ as Lord.
Serve the Lord through our grill team, set up team, welcome team, & other areas of service at The Church At Sun Valley.
Please reach out if you would like. to get involved, need support, or have any questions.
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